關於parker posey的評價, 那些電影教我的事 - Lessons from Movies
我從來沒經歷過這麼特別的感受...這就是我一直在尋找的意義。 "I've had many experiences and now a unique one. This was the mean...
我從來沒經歷過這麼特別的感受...這就是我一直在尋找的意義。 "I've had many experiences and now a unique one. This was the mean...
Calvin Klein Collection and The Peggy Siegal Comp...
Jesse Eisenberg升格導演,自創故事《Bream Gives Me Hiccups》即...
Woody Allen新片卡司敲定準備開拍,線上影集蓄勢待發 近幾年來幾乎是一年一部的Wood...
Woody Allen擁抱新科技,新片與傳奇攝影師共同邁向數位攝影 近年來幾乎是一年一部穩定生...
Jodie Foster執導金融驚悚新片《金錢怪獸》將於坎城影展曝光? 第69屆坎城影展正在如...